Mainsaver Support

I provide Mainsaver support on an “as needed” basis. When the phone rings, I pick it up! If by chance I’m unable to answer, I always respond within the hour.

Most of my clients have provided me with VPN access into their systems and have granted me access to their SQL Server as well MS Access connected directly to the database in the event I need to perform data correction.

I’m well versed in SQL Server and have committed almost every Mainsaver table to memory as I’ve been working with the product 28+ years.

I keep track of my time in 15 minute increments throughout the course of the month and invoice monthly. My hourly labor rate (for both on-site and remote) is $140 per hour. If I’m not called upon during the month, there is no charge.

I am currently responsible for many Mainsaver installations, and I keep them all running!