CLICK HERE to see what I have modified for one company. The folks in this organization couldn’t be happier since now they have a tailored system that is solid and does everything they want. They’ll never find a better system for their needs. While this page is extremely detailed, I’ve posted it to give you an idea of what is possible. I’ve been modifying Mainsaver since version 6 in the late 1990’s.
The following is a very small sample of the EAM Expert Mainsaver Customization projects. More detail (such as screen prints and implementation) on any of these changes will be furnished upon request. As you read through this list, ask yourself, have you ever wished you could see a value (such as Work Order information) on a screen when creating a record (such as a Purchase Order) so that you can make a quick and informed decision? If so, you’re not alone! That’s how most of these customization were born. The software should work for you and not the other way around. You’re success with Mainsaver hinges on usability and minimizing keystrokes.
- If a master record is deactivated (PM, Asset, Part, Supplier, or Employee) based on a status change, the record will be shaded grey in the table view.
- When a Craft is “completed” (using the Finish Work feature and unchecking the “Close WO as well”), that Craft Line for the Work Order will stop appearing in Shop Floor. Usefull for multi-craft Work Orders.
- On the Asset Financial Tab, added a new field showing a new value called TOTAL-ASSET-COST which adds the Life-To-Date Cost with the Asset Cost.
- On the Asset Financial Tab, added a new Tax Rate pull-down field. The value chosen carries to the Purchase Order Detail Grid for reference purposes.
- On the Asset Main Tab, added various user defined fields (renamed as VIN, Motor Size, Brand, In Service Date, Plate Expiration Date, and Condition). The new VIN field is visible on the PO Detail Costing Tab
- On the Work Order Tab, when the Asset Critical factor is “F” turn the Asset field red AND shows the words “Needs Supervisor Approval”. When the Asset critical factor is either “D” or “E” the Asset field turns yellow and the words “Limited Use Asset” are shown.
- On the WO Extended Print, added estimates and ACTUALS for labor, material, and contract dollars.
- On the Work Order Detail Tab, added a new Ship To pulldown field. This Ship To value carries to the Purchase Request which then carries to the Purchase Order (both for reference purpose only).
- Asset Number added to the PR Detail Grid
- SHIP TO field added to the PR Add/edit screen that carries to the PO
- On the PO Detail grid, PO Req. Number turns red if there were PR notes
- On the printer Purchase Order, the Bill To address reflects the BILL TO that is chosen
- On the PO Supplier Assignment grid, added a column that shows the WO Number
- On the Materials Parts Master Usage Tab, replaced Login ID with Employee ID
- On the Materials Parts Master Stock Tab, added “Keep Full” checkbox
- Added WO Number column to the PO Receiving Document
- On the Timecard Detail Tab, added the following for WO Work Requested, WO Status, Asset Number, and Asset Status for reference.
- On the Timecard Entry Grid, WO Work Requested and a Notes field which you can add notes to (using a timecard optional field)